Strategy – a word derived from the Greek strate-gos. These two words mean selected, on the basis of outstanding accomplishments, person who led the army and created the concept of fighting.
This function as an extremely responsible, coincided few – and the candidates for the strategic posts needed to meet a number of requirements, such as an extensive range of knowledge, real experience and demonstrate a healthy dose of pragmatism.
Strictly adhered was the principle not to choose as strategist a neutral, not involved emotionally person. According to this rule, strategist of besieged or threatened city could not remain a person who did not have family or wealth in this city.
Today companies are building such a commitment through financial and non-financial forms of remuneration of employees and consultants (management options, special incentive schemes, interim management, special mental training, mentoring), granting substantial part of their remuneration in the form of company shares.
Strategic Management means, depending on the condition of the organization, following actions or a combination thereof: